Save the Date!
Next Mom-to-Mom Sale is on Sat. April 17th, 2010
Same time, same place, even more great deals! Be sure to arrive bright and early, the next Mom-to-Mom Sale will be the biggest one ever! Now, with two buildings open, you will have even more space to shop and more stuff to choose from!
Be sure to visit to see lists of items that the vendors will be selling. The lists will be updated as they come in over the next few weeks, so check back frequently. Before the sale, print out the map and highlight your favourite vendors. Vendors will be wearing number tags to help you find them more easily.
Pssst, pass it on! Keep Mom-to-Mom going strong by passing the word on to your friends, families, on-line communities, your children's pre-schools and play groups. Send them to
Volunteers! Mom-to-Mom could not be run without the help of volunteers. We are always in need of help for set up, take down and door monitoring. Volunteering gives you free entry and early shopping priveleges (which are very limited). Volunteer (yourself, and especially your strong husbands today)!
What's New at Mom-to-Mom?
There's always something new at Mom-to-Mom. This month the website is getting it's third overhaul. Along with a different look, offers you much more!
Birthday Presents! With so many birthday parties to go to, I have now devised a set list of my favourite presents to give. These are all toys, books or games that my kids and the kids we have purchased the gifts for have enjoyed the most.
Here's one of my favourite baby/toddler gifts (but the older kids love it too)! It's kind of a night light, but it is soft and huggable and projects constellations on the ceiling. It's really fun to play with, it's educational and it gets your kids into bed with the lights off! Want to see more of my picks?
Thinking of Traveling to Disney? Visit my BLOG for Tips on Surviving Disney with an Infant and a Toddler. Articles still in draft include Disney with Pre-schoolers, Places to Stay, Shop and Eat in Orlando, Driving to Florida and general tips for travelling with kids. Thinking of a road trip? Follow our family as we drive to Cape Cod, Lake Placid, Boston and other parts of Florida. Not leaving the province? Read about fun day trips day trips around the GTA!
Need Help with Dinner Ideas? Visit my virtual recipe book of Minute Menus- quick and healthy meals that you can whip up in a pinch along with some of my favourite recipes and cookbooks.
A Strider bike is also known as a run-bike, and they're all the rage. These bikes allow toddlers to ride like a big girl or big boy without the worry of having to pedal. Tricyles never seem to be the right size, and the pedals are difficult to push. On a Strider Pre-Bike, the youngest riders (18 mnths) put their feet on the ground and walk the bike. As they progress, riders learn how to run with the bike, then balance on two wheels and push with their feet to glide. Strider Pre-Bikes are light weight, and easy to maneuver and won't tip over like a trike or two-wheeler.
Mom-to-Mom subscribers are now eligible for a $10 discount! 6 great colours to choose from. Please e-mail to get your Strider today! Visit for more details and demonstrations.